Monthly Archives: April 2008

California Demon

I just finished “California Demon” by Julie Kenner. It is a humorous fast-paced story of a mom who hunts demons while her toddler is in day care. I think I liked it even better than the first book, “Carpe Demon.” … Continue reading

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Nomina Sacra

Some early Old Testament Greek manuscripts glorify God’s name by writing them in Hebrew characters. Some of my Jehovah’s Witness friends have made much of this fact, as properly reverencing the Divine Name is of central important to them. I … Continue reading

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Custom Dictionaries, Aspell, and LaTeX

It took me a bit of hunting and twiddling to figure out exactly how to use aspell with a custom dictionary that supplements (not replaces) the master dictionary, so I thought I’d document it for posterity. aspell –lang en create … Continue reading

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