Monthly Archives: December 2011

Holiday Traditions of the Internet Age

I’ve got Norad Santa up and am tracking Santa’s progress across the globe. As far as holiday traditions go, this one is particularly interesting to me as a writer. Whenever a writer tries to create a fictional culture, (s)he tries … Continue reading

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Excerpt: The Turquoise Bones

Here is an excerpt from my current work in progress, “The Turquoise Bones.” “In preparation, we give Cor Hydrae a taste of her enemy’s blood.” Turquoise lost her balance for just a second as the bronze sword flashed through her … Continue reading

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By Your Command

Just a few weeks back I was in Seattle for Supercomputing 11 and I got to see the Battlestar Galactica display at the EMP museum. There were a lot of cool things there, Saul’s eye patch, an electronically administered ethics … Continue reading

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X-COM: Terror From The Deep

The attached video is about a game I used to play back in 1995. Does anyone out there remember it? It was called X-COM: Terror From the Deep. X-COM: TFTD. I used embedded SWF to create the movie, so you … Continue reading

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