Category Archives: movies

Review: Elysium

Elysium was an enjoyable movie. Matt Damon and Jodie Foster do a good job, the visuals are stunning, and the camera work has that gritty feel of Battlestar Galactica. The story is well-constructed from a story point of view, i.e. … Continue reading

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Men in Black, III: Story Analysis

Spoiler alert! Don’t read this if you haven’t seen the movie. I just saw MIB3. Very cool movie, I found myself laughing almost continuously. Josh Brolin did an amazing job as the young agent K. The theme of the movie … Continue reading

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Star Trek is Dead

That Star Trek is dead came to me as a sad realization while attending the Teragrid 2011 conference. On Wednesday we made an excursion to the planetarium. There were two shows. The first was titled something like “This Violent Universe” … Continue reading

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Thor: Too Big for Two Hours

Stories come to us in various sizes, and they don’t always fit into the box we want them to fit into. Take the recent moving “Thor”. It was a decent movie in many ways but afterwards my wife and I … Continue reading

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The Matrix Refactored

The first two Matrix movies were quite fun — despite the rather strange and improbable premise that humans make good batteries. However the third movie was quite disappointing. In the software development world, the process of revising your software to … Continue reading

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