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MIT also working on printing buildings

Shared by Steven

This one is important to me. Once the printing of buildings is perfected I want to knock down my house and print one with a tower and a secret passage.
Model maker: Neri Oxman works on “Cartesian Wax: Prototype for a Responsive Sk… Continue reading

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Powerful Ideas

Shared by Steven

Education is the antidote to war (just doing my bit to share the idea virus)
Ideas are a lot like viruses. Neither a virus nor an idea is alive, technically, but both reproduce though contact with other people.  And both are hard t… Continue reading

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2010 Robot Review

Shared by Steven

If you think these robots still look clumsy and unwieldy, I don’t. Progress in technology tends to move exponentially, so think of how much of an advance this is in that context and what it will mean for the next decade.
IDG News Se… Continue reading

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Shared by Steven

I agree with most of this–except maybe #7 and #8 has 11 predictions for 2030

1. By 2030, learning a second language will no longer be necessary.

A tiny computer that fits in your ear, and translates what you hear… Continue reading

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Foodtubes Proposes Underground, Physical Internet

Shared by Steven

Dilbert Boss’ dream becomes a reality:
geek4 writes “Automatically routed canisters could replace trucks with an Internet of things, says Foodtubes. A group of academics is proposing a sys… Continue reading

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Adam Savage of Myth Busters goes through new TSA security with two – twelve inch long razor blades

Shared by Steven

Given things like this, why is that there has been no significant terrorist event since 9/11?
Adam Savage, from the Myth Busters TV show, flies a lot and has dangerous items on his person for his job. He tries to make sure he leave… Continue reading

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Why complex life probably evolved only once

Shared by Steven

It would be unfortunate if the universe is teaming with bacteria and Earth has the only complex life.
The universe may be teeming with simple cells like bacteria, but more complex life is probably very rare. Whenever simple cells st… Continue reading

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Deterministic Parallel Java Brings Safety and Modularity to Parallel Programming

Shared by Steven

This looks like really exciting research. It is exactly the sort of thing the world of HPC needs.
The first release of Deterministic Parallel Java, developed by researchers at UPCRC Illinois, guarantees deterministic semantics witho… Continue reading

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Google Secretly Tests Autonomous Cars In Traffic

Shared by Steven

If this is true, society is about to undergo a major major change.
Hugh Pickens writes “Autonomous cars are years from mass production, but technologists who have long dreamed of them believe that they can transform society as profo… Continue reading

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Paleontologists Unearth Giant Fossilized Penguin

Shared by Steven

This would be a nice opening for an Indiana Jones/Bloom County mashup.
Ponca City, We Love You writes “The BBC reports that scientists have discovered the 36-million-year-old fossil of a penguin nearly five feet tall and almost twic… Continue reading

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