Monthly Archives: April 2007

UFO’s over Mexico City?

I recently saw a show on the travel channel which mentions a sighting of UFO’s by millions of people in Mexico City during a solar eclipse. They also mentioned that there were about 17 videos of the object, and one … Continue reading

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Plant Colors

This link is a little gem that any science fiction writer should hold on to. It tells you what color the plants should be in an extra-solar system. The logic seems to be simply that plants absorb the light that … Continue reading

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Life in a Jovian Atmosphere? has an article on what it calls “nano-nauts” — small partiles that can maneuver in swirling wind by simply changing their surface texture between rough and smooth. Apparently these particles can steer their way through rough winds while flying … Continue reading

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Hope for the Future

There are so many promising alternative energy sources just around the corner, I thought I’d start maintaing a page for them, and update it as I come across links of interest. Bio-Fuel LS9: Using microbes to generate hydrocarbons Plastic that … Continue reading

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Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Claims:

I hear about 9/11 conspiracy theories often, especially the claim that the towers fell at free-fall speed. The conspiricists suggest that they were brought down by demolition charges. Of all the various claims, this made the least sense to me. … Continue reading

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The Role of Prophecy in Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Most stories consist of the gradual unfolding of information, the asking of questions and answering them. Each set of story ideas and characters have their own inner logic that must be first explained, then followed to a satisfying conclusion. Given … Continue reading

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