Category Archives: science fiction

High Plains Blood Drinker

My wife suggested one night at dinner that she was thinking of a vampire western. At first I thought the idea sounded silly, but then I started thinking. What if a particularly ruthless gunslinger was dying of thirst and came … Continue reading

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First Priest to Contact Intelligent Life

I recently read a book by Michael Z. Williamson called “Contact with Chaos.” It is a story of first contact, one in which we find them. It has a couple of interesting technology wrinkles, and his usual attention to military … Continue reading

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Blurring the Line Between Fantasy and Science Fiction

Fantasy and Science Fiction are lumped together on the bookshelves, but they are clearly distinct. Science Fiction is usually a fanciful prediction of the future and fantasy is sheer escapism. Probably every science fiction author’s dream is to be an … Continue reading

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Another Answer to the Fermi Paradox

The Fermi paradox points out a contradiction between our expectations and evidence. We believe that extra terrestrial life is likely to exist, and therefore likely to have visited earth–and yet there is no evidence that it has. What I’m going … Continue reading

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I Must Have this T-Shirt!

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On Becoming a vampire without being bitten

A recent psychological study titled “Becoming a vampire without being bitten: A new study shows that reading expands our self-concepts” says that reading about becoming a vampire, or Harry Potter’s school of wizarding, helps us to psychologically feel we are … Continue reading

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How to build a Universal Translator

It occurred to me that something like the “Universal Translator” of Star Trek could be constructed without very advanced technology. I call my more primitive device a “Drongo.” If you have two technologically advanced races, and they meet, there is … Continue reading

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It’s About People, Not Technology!

I often hear that sf should be about people, not technology. And I don’t disagree. There’s nothing worse than reading page after page of technobable (or watching Trek characters spout it for minutes on end). After all, future technology is … Continue reading

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Orion’s Twins:

Recent pictures of Orion with the Spitzer Telescope are telling us more about the science of star formation. I think a region of active star formation might have interesting story possibilities. Imagine two similar star systems, formed at about the … Continue reading

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Using Brown Dwarfs to Make Smoke Signals

This article from PhysOrg says that brown dwarfs may be like light houses, emitting beacons of strong radio pulses. An appropriately advanced civilization might be able to manipulate such an object (if it were within its solar system) to send … Continue reading

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